Tuesday, July 8, 2008


The city of Ica is located in the province of Ica, south of Lima.

This area is desert; average annual rainfall: 2 cm. It's a hauntingly beautiful landscape, especially when the sky is blue and the sun is shining, which is not always the case. At this time of year, there is a grey sky until noon or thereabouts.

Ica is Peru's wine producing area and today we are touring a winery, then up the Panamerican highway back to Lima.

There are amazing dunes which tower over our hotel - it's impossible to describe their size. Among the activities on offer at
the hotel include dune buggying and sand surfing (or boarding?) Today Matt, Rosie and our friends, Rick, Chip and Alfonzo decided to partake of these adventures. They returned about 2 hours later, jubilant. Apparently, the dune buggy ride was nearly as exciting as the slides down the dune. Photos and videos were taken - which, of course don't allow us armchair adventurers get the full experience, but we can tell from their facial expressions in the photos that they had a blast!

1 comment:

stephanie alaine said...

hello from hilltop! i love reading about the adventures of los fredericks!!! so glad to see things in peru are wonderful! everything is great here----shooby is sleeping in the sun as we speak! say hola to south america for me!