Monday, July 7, 2008

Donde Esta La Casa de Pepe?

After 18 years, I have the answer. In Ica, apparently, next to the airport at the Condor Hotel.

I first met Steve in 1990 when I was 18. After hanging out with Matt for a few months, Steve learned I hailed from Colombia. The first time he uttered his famous phrase, the only Spanish he claims to have mastered, I was in the back of Forrer Hall, sitting with Matt. He walked up, stood before us, as if he was about to deliver a Shakespearian soliloqy, announcing, proudly, through fits of laughter: "Donde Esta LaCasa de Pepe?" And walked away. He has been doing this ever since.

I am happy to say, Steve, I now know where he lives now.

Pepe is a condor. He has a lovely roost at the Condor Hotel, next to the airport where you can catch a plane to seethe Nasca lines.


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